Hematology/Blood Group Science

Hematology/ Blood Group Science

Our study into the morphology of blood and blood-forming tissues enable us to investigate the composition, functions, diseases, and disorders of the blood

Packed Cell volume

haemoglobin (hB)

full blood count (fBC)

erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

Retics count

platelet count

HB Genotype

Osmotic fragility test

Partial thromboplastin time with koalin (pTTK)

Prothrombin tim (PT)

clotting time

bone marrow film comment

blood group (ABO & Rh)

one unit of rhesus positive blood (screened)

one unit of rhesus negative blood (screened)

retroviral screening

hepatitis (HBsAG)

hepatitis (HCV)

grouping & cross matching

antibody screening

direct coomb’s Test

indirect coomb’s Test

CD4 count

viral load